The Feldenkrais Method is a system of Somatic Education that helps us develop awareness of how we do what we do each day, and supports us to make better choices.
It is brilliant for expanding our range of movement and making everything we do less effortful, more enjoyable and more graceful. It does so through exploring very subtle movement with awareness, resulting in neuroplastic change.
It is taught either in group instruction via Awareness Through Movement lessons, or via one-on-one work on a couch called Functional Integration.
Rachel is a qualified Teacher of Awareness Through Movement and completed her teacher training at the Feldenkrais International Training School in Lewes in 2021.
And to discover a little more about Feldenkrais and how it works, go here.
You can find plenty of prerecorded lessons to download in my store.
It is brilliant for expanding our range of movement and making everything we do less effortful, more enjoyable and more graceful. It does so through exploring very subtle movement with awareness, resulting in neuroplastic change.
It is taught either in group instruction via Awareness Through Movement lessons, or via one-on-one work on a couch called Functional Integration.
Rachel is a qualified Teacher of Awareness Through Movement and completed her teacher training at the Feldenkrais International Training School in Lewes in 2021.
And to discover a little more about Feldenkrais and how it works, go here.
You can find plenty of prerecorded lessons to download in my store.